Sunday, December 11, 2011

Values and Respect

The only way we can live and feel happy in the long term is to live in accordance with our true values. If we don’t we are sure to experience true pain in life. I can relate to developing some real bad habits in my life that was very frustrating and had the potential to actually destroy my life. I’m talking about drug and alcohol addiction, however, the deeper psychological root was selfishness, self centeredness, and attempting to control and dominate others. Other excesses people can have are over eating, watching hour upon hour of television, or computer addiction.

What was really behind all this bad behavior? These behaviors are the result of a lot of frustration, anger, and emptiness, mainly due to a lack of fulfillment in life. Looking for a quick fix to try and distract myself from some pretty empty feelings. The pattern of drinking and doing drugs became a pattern that had to be broken; however, I had to get to what was behind this behavior. The pain of living the lifestyle I was living caused a big gap in my personal values and the way I actually lived my life, in my addiction. I accomplished absolutely nothing in years and had actually destroyed a lot of close relationships in my life.

When I did start dealing with my own personal issues, consequently, I eventually started to live by my highest standards in life, when we do this we eventually feel immense joy. Today, I no longer have a desire to drink, or put myself into a drug induced stupor. Life itself started becoming a huge challenge and today my life is rich. I have a wonderful family, a great career and a bright future. I look back on my life and see how I distracted myself from such incredible heights this is like taking a sedative on Christmas morning. When I compromise my values and stop respecting myself it’s like looking at my family tree and finding out I was the sap. I had to take first take responsibility for my past actions in order to turn my life around.  It took a lot of soul searching to turn my life around; however, this hard work has sure paid off.

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