Monday, December 12, 2011

Our Emotional Comfort Zone

Our emotional comfort zone works the same way our thermostat in our house works. When the temperature in the room approaches the edge of the thermal range the thermostat sends an electrical signal to the furnace to turn on or off. The thermostat then turns on or off to keep the changes in the desired range.

This is similarity to our psychological thermostat which regulates our level of performance in the world. However, the difference is instead of a thermostat, our regulator is the level of discomfort we feel that will keep us within our comfort zone. When we try and change our life and our behavior begins to approach the edge of the zone, we start to feel uncomfortable. If what you start experiencing is outside the self image you subconsciously have of yourself, your body sends a signal to pull yourself back into your comfort zone. The real message in all of this is a person who is trying to achieve success without ever experiencing rejection or pain will never make it in the long term.

We don’t have to be the most gifted or talented person in the field, but we have to believe that if we don’t give up anything is possible, if we truly believe in ourselves. Finding out what you’re really good at and then just blocking everything else out will get you to where you want to be in life. Personally, I studied and worked very hard on myself and that’s how I got to where I am today. It might help you to know that the latest brain research now indicates that with enough positive self talk and combined with proper training, coaching and practice anyone can learn to do almost anything.

Everything you want is just outside your comfort zone.
Robert Allen
Co-authour, The One Minute Millionnaire

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