Friday, December 9, 2011

How to Beat the Bad Guys at Work

According to “Men’s Health Magazine, How to Win at Everything” , we need to be aware of some people at work. There is a lot of talk about openness on the job, however, there are a lot of reasons we need to keep our guard up at work. Most people are honest about 80 percent of the people. Another 15 percent are of questionable integrity. But what I’m talking about is the 5 percent who out and out dirtballs. These are the bad guys who are out to get you. For example, “spineless the rumor king”, these type of people will just make up rumors as they go along. Such as “is there any truth to the rumor that Jim from labor relations is in detox and is not really on a fishing trip in British Columbia. Human nature being what it is people within ear shot will hear this rumor and not remember the question mark. Consequently when the boss hears about this concern from three or four different people, he starts thinking less favorably about poor old Jim.

The solution to this is if you want to keep these Spineless people from starting rumors about you, you’re going to have to be highly alert. Chances are he’ll start a milder rumor in the beginning, for example telling people I hear your behind in meeting a particular deadline. This is the time you confront this person just like you would confront a play ground bully. Tell this person if you have a problem with me you better confront me directly. Let spineless know you have his number. Most spineless people are good at knowing when to run for cover. If confrontation doesn’t work get the best connected person in the company to spread a denial to the rumors.

The final resort with a lot of history behind it is just punching him. I would suspect this is very high risk, by the way. True, but isn’t taking risks what they’re paying you the big bucks for.


  1. Wow, everytime I turn around your blogs are just in line with my life, not all, but most of the time. In fact, the blog above I am dealing with this situation and it is horrible, what makes it worse is that we are an office of 3 and 2 out of the 3 team up and are very caddy bitter women in their late 50's, I'm in my mid 30's. I live in a small town, it's actually classified as a district, so finding work is not easy. The boss likes me, and as far as I'm concerned signs my cheque. It is hard though to battle with someone who has worked with the company over 20 years and I've been there just over 1.5 yrs. I just smile and continue to be nice, I think this drives her nuts, but I have no reason to be mean. It makes work very uncomfortable and I don't work as well when one or the other or both are in the office. But, I trust that this is where I'm to be at the moment. Everything happens for a reason. Keep up the encouraging words. Merry Christmas.

  2. i find what works for me is when I stop talking bad about the others in my work place. When I keep up the gossip, it almost feels as if god reminds that he will put fear and insecurities in me, consequently when I gossip, i worry what others say and think, when I dont gossip, i am so secure in myself, I dont have time to worry what others are saying

  3. Thanks for the comments. We can be forced to deal with some real nasty personalities in the work place. Hopefully there are some positive people you can turn to in your work place for support, however, if you don’t have this luxury we need to develop some positive friendships out side the work place. For further information see my blogs on Values and Respect, honesty Versus Dishonesty and Accountability and Trust. Merry Christams
