Monday, January 16, 2012

Complex Trauma

Complex trauma is more about traumatic interruptions on an emotional, spiritual, physical, sexual level in the context of a relationship ( Ruth Buczyniski PhD ). What this really means is that when a child is growing up and experiences a series of relationships where they are emotionally, spiritually, and physically vulnerable. The  child can experience a violation or trauma which can cause a disruption in their development. If a child is repeatedly put at risk this person can spend the rest of their life in a flight or fight response. According to Ruth Buczyniski, PhD a leading expert in trauma “There are too many people who are diagnosed or labeled borderline personality disorder in fact probably having experienced complex trauma. Recent research is also identifying people that are suffering from chronic diseases seem to have a history of trauma in their past.

The significance of this information is pointing to trauma being at the core issue of many people who are  suffering from anxiety, panic attacks, borderline personality disorders, excessive fear, depression, or many chronic diseases have in fact expereinced trauma. 
Consequently, exploring and making sense of our past can truly be worth the effort in the long run. The problem is our body is very smart and can block out memories and pain, in order for us to survive and function in our everyday lives. This can make it hard or impossible for a preson to identify trauma as a problem, that they need to deal with.   However, with professional help we can overcome this obstacle. This process is essential in order to improve our quality of life.

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