Sunday, February 27, 2011


Not knowing what to change or how to change can be very frustrating to many people. To make things even harder is the fact that even if we knew what to change could we possibly go through the fear and insecurity associated with change alone, without the encouragement and support of other people. For many people they would still be unable to change. Consequently, in this little mini article on empowerment I would like to suggest 2 simple methods that are very effective in the change process.
One way to make change happen in our lives is through empowering ourselves to change. Having good people to talk to and be honest with will help empower us. This happens when we ask other people to help us set goals and then hold ask the person to hold us accountable to reach these goals. This actually is based on goal setting and feedback. This has been proven to be effective in the change process.
The second example to ensure change and empowerment, is through taking ownership of our personality defects especially when we are in conflict situation. This concept is based on, if I change myself, this will empower me to make positive changes in my life and help me fit in better with my environment. Blaming others only encourages self pity, and can be potentially damaging to myself and my loved one’s. The road of life has many detours. Taking ownership for my actions and having people to hold me accountable for my actions, will ensure continued growth and self improvement.
This was the topic in my men’s group held in my office on February 26/11 at 10:oo AM.

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